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Posted by Nelayan Forex On 8/31/2010 12:01:00 AM 0 comments
Detik ini adalah detik itu. Imbauan 31 Ogos 1957 menghimpun pelbagai rasa dan asa. Kini, 53 tahun telah berlalu. Dan hari ini adalah kesinambungan tarikh keramat itu. Negaraku Malaysia, menginjak setahun lagi menempuh usia kedaulatannya.

Alhamdulillah. Terima kasih Ya ALLAH. Meski aku sekadar insan kerdil, namun anugerahMu ini amat indah. Dalam usiaku yang masih belia, aku cuba menjarah erti kemerdekaan yang sebenarnya. Ku kira aku bertuah, kerana pernah dalam usiaku menikmati perjalanan yang signifikan ini melihat Malaysia dewasa. Tatkala Malaysia masih si manis 17, aku baru sahaja mengenal erti berbicara, sebaik semakin galak gagah berlari jatuh! Di saat menginjak remaja, aku sempat 'berkampung' di Chow Kit menumpang Bas Mini nombor 11 dan tertawa mendengar celoteh Noramin RMIK di corong radio. Aku sempat merasai saat-saat kegemilangan Dayabumi selaku menara tercanggih di ibukota. Waktu Central Market mula menginjak popularitinya, aku curi-curi menjeling gadis-gadis seusia memperaga keayuan. Kuala Lumpur ketika itu tidak punya banyak hotspot. Yang ada sekadar sekitar Pudu Raya, Kota Raya, Pertama Complex, Chow Kit dan sesekali Bukit Bintang menjadi tempat tumpuan.

Hari ini latar Kuala Lumpur khususnya, dan Malaysia amnya, telah amat jauh berbeza. Tak terhitung perbezaannya jika ingin dinyatakan di dada Traderlog ini. Hanya yang termampu diucapkan.. Alhamdulillah.

Sesungguhnya, aku bertuah kerana berkesempatan ke luar negara sewaktu menjalankan tugas. Antaranya, Kathmandu di Nepal; Karachi, Lahore dan Islamabad di Pakistan; Colombo di Sri Lanka; Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan, Pontianak, Bandung dan Lombok di Indonesia. Sempat juga ke Singapura, Thailand, Macau dan Taiwan. Sekadar menyebut beberapa nama. Sesungguhnya, kita ini warga yang sangat bertuah. Malaysia terlalu berbeza, walau usia kenegaraannya masih terlalu muda berbanding kebanyakan negara-negara yang disebutkan tadi. Malah aku sempat mengimbau di saat aku hampir sujud syukur di lantai KLIA tatkala aku baru sahaja kembali dari Kathmandu suatu waktu dahulu. Kita wajib bersyukur! Sejujurnya, wajar kita mencontohi semangat cintakan negara yang terpamer di setiap warga dan pelosok inci bumi Indonesia tatkala mereka menyambut hari kemerdekaan.. lautan merah putih di mana-mana disambut laungan semangat anak muda pria dan srikandi di kota dan kabupaten. Apakah kita lebih patriotik di saat lidah terlalu malu melaungkan "Merdeka" dan jiwa rasa 'kekampungan' tatkala berbicara tentang jatidiri dan pengorbanan? Mampukah kita dan anak cucu mengisi kemerdekaan ini dengan haknya yang terindah?

Hanya satu yang ku harapkan. Janganlah dipersia-siakan kemerdekaan dan kemakmuran yang sedang dikecapi ini. Semoga kita bersederhana dalam setiap tindakan kita agar hikmah sentiasa menjadi pertimbangan. Jangan sampai menang sorak, tapi kampung tergadai! Nauzubillah..

Malaysia, selamat Hari Merdeka!

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Daily Strategic Plan: 20100831

Posted by Nelayan Forex On 8/30/2010 10:35:00 PM 0 comments

Day 06/10

Session 1/3:
News: GBP & JPY
EIT: 7.01am, 7.50am & 9.30am MYT
EET: 6.45am MYT
ELT: 9.45am MYT
EST: 3hrs
PI Target (Daily): 1020
Rev Target (Daily): 34%
MLD: 1% frm Bal

Session 2/3:
News: EUR & GBP
EIT: 3.55pm, 4.30pm & 5.00pm MYT
EET: 3.30pm MYT
ELT: 5.30pm MYT
EST: 2hrs
PI Target (Daily): 1020
Rev Target (Daily): 34%
MLD: 1% frm Bal

Session 3/3:
News: USD
EIT: 10.00pm MYT
EET: 9.30pm MYT
ELT: 11.30pm MYT
EST: 2hrs
PI Target (Daily): 960
Rev Target (Daily): 32%
MLD: 1% frm Bal

Berkati dan makbulkan usahaku ini, Ya ALLAH.

Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin.
RESULTS (updated:20100831, 10.50pm)
Total Daily PI = -2586
Total Daily Rev = -86%
Faktor:Session 3 internet connection error during trading.
Innalillahi wainna ilaihi rajiun.
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Kurang Sihat..

Posted by Nelayan Forex On 8/30/2010 10:34:00 PM 0 comments

Day 03/10 & Day 04/10
20100827 & 20100830

No trade on both dates due to the unforseen circumstance.

Kurang sihat. Jadinya, lebih baik berehat daripada membahayakan diri kerana tidak fokus kepada pelayaran. Setidak-tidaknya, dapat juga membaiki pukat dan jala sementara kesihatan diutamakan. InsyaALLAH, andai ada rezeki, esok aku akan kembali ke laut.
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Daily Strategic Plan: 20100826

Posted by Nelayan Forex On 8/26/2010 09:52:00 AM 0 comments

Day 03/10

Session 1/3:
News: EUR
EIT: 2.00pm MYT
EET: 1.00pm MYT
ELT: 3.00pm MYT
EST: 2hrs
PI Target (Daily): 1020
Rev Target (Daily): 34%
MLD: 1% frm Bal

Session 2/3:
News: EUR & USD
EIT: 4.00pm & 6.00 MYT
EET: 3.30pm MYT
ELT: 6.30pm MYT
EST: 3hrs
PI Target (Daily): 1020
Rev Target (Daily): 34%
MLD: 1% frm Bal

Session 3/3:
News: USD
EIT: 8.30pm MYT
EET: 8.00pm MYT
ELT: 10.30pm MYT
EST: 2hrs
PI Target (Daily): 960
Rev Target (Daily): 32%
MLD: 1% frm Bal

Berkati dan makbulkan usahaku ini, Ya ALLAH.

Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin.
RESULTS (updated: 20100826, 10.30pm)
Total Daily PI = 1990
Total Daily Rev = 66%
Faktor: Session 3 no trade
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No Time To Pray?

Posted by Nelayan Forex On 8/25/2010 05:59:00 PM 0 comments
"I just want to share this beautiful poem by Fatma Muslima I found on the web. It is thought provoking and should be a good reflection for us."
- Alhabib's Blog; posted on July 11, 2010 -


I knelt to pray but not for long,
I had too much to do.
I had to hurry and get to work
For bills would soon be due.

So I knelt and said a hurried prayer,
And jumped up off my knees.
My Muslim duty was now done
My soul could rest at ease.

All day long I had no time
To spread a word of cheer.
No time to speak of Allah to friends,
They’d laugh at me I’d fear.

No time, no time, too much to do,
That was my constant cry,
No time to give to souls in need
But at last the time, the time to die.

I went before the Lord,
I came, I stood with downcast eyes.
For in his hands God held a book;
It was the book of life.

God looked into his book and said
Your name I cannot find.
I once was going to write it down…
But never found the time.


Nelayan Forex:
Dear Fatma Muslima, it's really beautiful, indeed! Thank you for the insight.

Daily Strategic Plan: 20100825

Posted by Nelayan Forex On 8/24/2010 10:57:00 PM 0 comments

Day 02/10

Session 1/3:
News: JPY
EIT: 7.50am MYT
EET: 7.00am MYT
ELT: 9.00am MYT
EST: 2hrs
PI Target (Daily): 1020
Rev Target (Daily): 34%
MLD: 1% frm Bal

Session 2/3:
News: EUR
EIT: 4.00pm MYT
EET: 3.30pm MYT
ELT: 5.30pm MYT
EST: 2hrs
PI Target (Daily): 1020
Rev Target (Daily): 34%
MLD: 1% frm Bal

Session 3/3:
News: USD
EIT: 10.00pm MYT
EET: 9.30pm MYT
ELT: 11.30pm MYT
EST: 2hrs
PI Target (Daily): 960
Rev Target (Daily): 32%
MLD: 1% frm Bal

Berkati dan makbulkan usahaku ini, Ya ALLAH.

Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin.
RESULTS (updated: 20100825, 10.15pm)
Total Daily PI = -8669
Total Daily Rev = -289%
Innalillahi wainna ilaihirajiun.
1. Impak JPY
2. Targetted Profit VS Landslide Profit
3. Istiqamah Trading Plan/ Session
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Maka Hatipun Menangis..

Posted by Nelayan Forex On 8/24/2010 10:38:00 AM 0 comments
Saat ini, aku sekadar bermain-main di gigi pantai di hujung tanjung. Sementara menanti detik EET tengahari nanti, aku cuba memikirkan beberapa perkara yang berkaitan.

Namun, tak mudah untukku terus fokus berfikir. Dukacita yang menyesak dada tak dapat ku pinggirkan. Aku terkesan benar dengan apa yang terjadi sebentar tadi di pejabat. Ya, urusan pejabat. Namun, tak kira urusan pejabat mahupun peribadi, restu insan yang berhak dan redha ALLAH tetap harus dipegang di jati diri. Terkilan benar, apabila kemahsyuran duniawi lebih diangkat berbanding kesucian di sisiNya. Ramai yang sanggup menipu akal budi dengan keegoan dan "hujah-hujah benang basah" semata-mata untuk dilihat "benar" dan "betul". Ya ALLAH, mengapa begitu terdesak hingga sanggup menghalalkan kebatilan dan membenci kebenaran. Mengapa lidah melafazkan syahadah, tapi perbuatan sentiasa melencong dan menunjang kezaliman. Mengapa rasa terbeban dengan ibadah dan perbuatan baik, sedang hati pula cenderung mencari "tenang" di dalam kemaksiatan. Hanya Kau yang Maha Mengetahui, Ya ALLAH!

Teringat nyanyian kumpulan Raihan, 'iman tak boleh diwarisi'. Ya, iman juga tiada di tepian pantai. Ramai yang tercari-cari ketengangan dengan teori-teori Barat yang kononnya hebat dan canggih. Jika inginkan ketenangan, maka carilah persekitaran yang ada aromaterapi dan elemen-elemen "ketenangan". Dengarkan lagu-lagu romantis dan instrumental. Kalau payah sangat, kata mereka, makan pil "penenang" pun boleh!

Hakikatnya, apakah benar ketenangan itu ada di tepian air terjun, puncak bukit dan taman bunga? Astaghfirullah. Apakah benar bersantai di pinggir sungai mampu memberikan lebih ketenangan berbanding khusyuk solat di celah-celah bedilan mortar di Masjidil Aqsa. Ya ALLAH, hambaMu ini hanya pandai berkata-kata. Ampuni aku Ya ALLAH. Pandulah aku, bimbinglah aku, dan berilah hidayah kepadaku sepanjang usiaku di dunia sementaramu ini Ya ALLAH. Hakikatnya aku ini terlalu hina di sisi makhlukMu untuk dimuliakan, lantaran itu anugerahilah aku dengan kemuliaan sebenar di sisiMu. Dan tuntunlah aku Ya ALLAH, mencari redha dan syurgaMu.

Kepada yang membaca, maaf jika luahan di atas ada yang mengguris rasa hati. Hakikatnya, bila usia semakin mendaki menghampiri asal kejadian, semakin kita keseorangan dalam keramaian, sunyi dalam hiruk pikuk dunia. Mujurlah jika ada anak isteri sebagai tempat berkongsi rasa. Namun jika yang demikian juga tidak berkongsi definasi, maka hanya padaNya sahaja tempat sebaik-baik kita kembali.

Justeru, kini fahamlah aku mengapa diri berduka..
Maka, hatipun kembali menangis..

Astaghfirullahil'azim. Wallahu Aklam.

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Daily Strategic Plan: 20100824

Posted by Nelayan Forex On 8/24/2010 09:35:00 AM 0 comments

Day 01/10

Session 1/3:
News: EUR
EIT: 2.00pm MYT
EET: 1.15pm MYT
ELT: 3.15pm MYT
EST: 2hrs
PI Target (Daily): 1020
Rev Target (Daily): 34%
MLD: 1% frm Bal

Session 2/3:
News: GBP, EUR
EIT: 4.30pm MYT
EET: 3.45pm MYT
ELT: 6.00pm MYT
EST: 2hrs 15min
PI Target (Daily): 1020
Rev Target (Daily): 34%
MLD: 1% frm Bal

Session 3/3:
News: USD
EIT: 10.00pm MYT
EET: 9.30pm MYT
ELT: 11.30pm MYT
EST: 2hrs
PI Target (Daily): 960
Rev Target (Daily): 32%
MLD: 1% frm Bal

Berkati dan makbulkan usahaku ini, Ya ALLAH.

Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin.
RESULTS (Updated: 20100824, 10.20pm)
Total Daily PI = 3146
Total Daily Rev = 105%
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Statistical Line Testing: Bonzai Technique (H-Type)

Posted by Nelayan Forex On 8/24/2010 09:00:00 AM 0 comments
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World Finance 2010 Forex Awards

Posted by Nelayan Forex On 8/23/2010 04:06:00 PM 0 comments
Most Innovative Trading Platform

Best Execution House
Alpari UK

Best White Label Solution Provider
Saxo Bank A/S

Best Financial Derivative Trading Provider

Most Transparent Broker

Fastest Growing Global Forex Broker

Best Mobile Trading Platform
InterBank FX

Best Affiliate Program

Best Islamic Forex Provider

Best Global Trading Platform

Best Broker in USA
InterBank FX

Best Forex Broker in Asia

Best Forex Broker in Australasia
Forex CT, by bforex

Best Forex Broker in BVI

Best Forex Broker in Canada

Best Forex Broker in Central & Eastern Europe
TMS Brokers

Best Forex Broker in Latin America

Best Forex Broker in Middle East

Best Forex Broker in Russia & CIS

Best Forex Broker in South East Europe
Atlas Capital Financial Services

Sebuah Penyaksian Iman..

Posted by Nelayan Forex On 8/22/2010 10:42:00 PM 0 comments
"Ya ALLAH, hanya padaMu kami menyembah, dan hanya padaMu jua kami memohon pertolongan.."

Sekurang-kurangnya 17 kali sehari-semalam kita wajib mengucapkannya di hadapan Yang Maha Esa. Apakah dapat kita menyelami lisan kita sebagaimana dalamnya Shaykh Shuraim menyelaminya? Atau sekadar kita seumpama kakaktua yang riuh berpetah, tapi kosong pemahamannya?

Ya ALLAH, tiada yang mampu untuk kami capai melainkan dengan izinMu jua. Justeru, pandu dan bimbinglah kami. Izinkanlah kami merasai nikmat iman agar benih dan bunga amal yang kami lakukan akan memperolehi redhaMu.

Hidayah dan rahmatMu kami pohonkan sesungguh-sungguhnya.

Amin Ya ALLAH, Ya Rabbal Alamin.

How To Trade Support and Resistance Levels?

Posted by Nelayan Forex On 8/22/2010 02:24:00 PM 0 comments
How To Trade FOREX Support and Resistance Levels
21 Aug, 2010 @ 01:33 pm EDT By Alex Kazmarck (SpotEuro)
I made a quick video about a potential trade opportunity we had in our premium members section during the London session. Our analysis showed for GBP/USD gains, especially after better than expected MPC Meeting Minutes and UK Retail Sales data, each providing the pound with enough strength to rally 200 pips before retesting the lows set over the past days; however, instead of taking the trade due to high uncertainty, we pointed out that the market may go in either direction and gave an analysis on what to look for. We were either going to see continuation in favor of the sterling following the 61.8% retracement level or we were going to see a break and a move lower. There is too much noise in the market and we will not be holding any open positions over the weekend; I feel as if the move lower will be rejected on Monday and we'll see continuation in favor of the pound. We'll see how the majors close and depending on Monday's open, we'll look to enter a fresh trade. Please let us know if you have any questions on the video.

*: This article is copyrighted by SpotEuro.

Segelas Air Dan Sepinggan Beriyani..

Posted by Nelayan Forex On 8/22/2010 12:55:00 AM 0 comments
Fitrah. Mungkin itu asasnya. Indahnya ilmu yang dirangsang oleh pemerhatian dan kajian terhadap alam kejadian ALLAH yang Maha Esa.

Aku terkenang saat-saat berbuka puasa bersama anak lelakiku beberapa hari yang lalu. Umur baru menjejak 9 tahun, makanya ibadah puasa memang sesuatu yang sangat mencabar buatnya. Mmmm.. sebetulnya bukan hanya untuk anak kecil sepertinya, tetapi juga buat insan 'dewasa' seperti kebanyakan kita.

Aku masih terbayang betapa rakusnya dia meneguk air kosong yang disediakan tatkala azan Maghrib berkumandang. Segelas penuh air, diteguknya dengan sekali nafas hingga gelas tiada lagi berbaki! Malah, sempat juga lirik matanya memandang jag air di sisiku mengharap kalau-kalau ada 'ehsanku' untuk tambahan air lagi buatnya.

"Makan nasi dulu, ok. Nanti perut kembung. Lepas makan, boleh minum lagi." Ujarku seakan menjawab 'rintihan' hatinya.

Demikianlah anak kecil, bisik hatiku. Namun tiba-tiba aku terbayang akan diriku sewaktu aku juga seusianya. Memang begitulah telatahku. Selepas senak perut dengan air, barulah nasi jadi pilihan. Sebenarnya tiada pilihan. Jika boleh memilih, pasti cukup dengan air sahaja!

Entah mengapa, peristiwa 'kecil' itu benar-benar terkesan di benak fikirku. Ia mungkin nampak kecil, tetapi aku terpanggil pada sebuah kesedaran yang lebih besar. Menginsafkan.

Air lumrahnya dianggap sumber kehidupan. Manusia itu memulakan tatih sulungnya ke arah dunia kehidupan dengan air sebagai sumber seawal dunia rahim ibu lagi. Malahan, sebaik dilahirkan ke dunia, 'makanan' asasi terawalnya adalah susu ibu yang sememangnya berasaskan air. Semakin menginjak usia, air semakin 'terhakis' apabila makanan pejal mula menjadi pilihan. Makanan pejal yang asasnya adalah dari tanah. Tanah. Dari situ lahirnya tanaman dan juga makanan buat haiwan dan ternakan. Akhirnya, komposisi makanan manusia semakin pelbagai dengan air sekadar keperluan sampingan. Semakin dewasa, semakin kompleks keperluan pemakanan dan diet manusia. Air masih perlu, namun sekadar berstatus 'minuman', bukan lagi 'makanan' sebagaimana ketika kita mula-mula mengenali dunia suatu waktu dahulu. Demikianlah hakikatnya.

Justeru, apa yang peliknya?

Tiada apa yang pelik. Malahan itulah lumrah dan fitrahnya. Air itu inspirasi kehidupan. Manusia, yang asal kejadiannya daripada 'tanah', ditakdirkan menjengah erti kehidupan dengan air sebagai permulaan dunianya. Sewaktu kanak-kanak, 'tarikan' terhadap air masih kuat, tapi semakin menginjak dewasa, air semakin 'terpinggir'. Malahan, detik itu makanan yang asalnya terbuat dari elemen-elemen C (karbon) dan N (nitrogen) selain O (oksigen) dan H (hidrogen) - yang umumnya adalah komponen di dalam tanah - semakin mengambil tempat yang lebih dominan dalam spektrum diet manusia dewasa.


Ertinya, semakin kita tua, semakin kita kembali kepada asal kejadian kita.. TANAH.

Patutlah sewaktu berbuka puasa tadi, aku yang semakin tua ini lebih mendambakan sepinggan nasi beriyani berbanding segelas air kosong :-)

Wallahu Aklam.
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Perspective: Todd Crosland, Chairman and President of Interbank FX

Posted by Nelayan Forex On 8/21/2010 11:42:00 PM 0 comments
IBTimes Interview with Todd Crosland from Interbank FX
30 June, 2010 @ 11:37 am EDT By Roger Baettig.

The International Business Times held an exclusive interview with Todd B. Crosland, Chairman and President of Interbank FX, one of the most exciting Forex brokers in the US.

What is your professional background?

In the 1990's I owned a medical device business called Surgical Technologies, Inc. that I took public on the Nasdaq National Market System. It was sold in 1996. Since that time I run a real estate development company and a large manufacturing company that we owned.

I started Interbank FX in the year 2000 with stocks and options trading. In 2001 I bought a program to do currency trading. We brought the technology and hired some programmers. In 2003 we made our technology available to the general public. Since then we have grown the company to around 40,000 customers in 150 countries and an approximate one trillion dollars a year trading volume.

Do you focus more on US clients or do you also focus on Asian and European customers?

Well, about 40 % of our customers are from the US. And we have around 30 % in Asia and around 20% in Europe and a small part in the Middle East and Africa.

Do you have also offices outside of the US?

We do. There is an office in Beijing, another one in Seoul and one in London as well. This summer we will open an office in Sydney.

I took a look at the Interbank FX products; and it was very wonderful to see that you are offering services that you don't have with "normal" brokers. One thing is quite amazing is the DEBIT CARD on your trading account. Your clients can use the debit card globally. Could you tell me more about this?

Sure, as we started Interbank FX we wanted to offer customer focused products. We received many inquiries over the years. You know for international clients you have a wire transfer fee of around 25 dollars. And it takes two or three days to send a wire. So we came up with this international debit card. Our customers can transfer money through the debit card. First of all it is free. There is no charge. And second it is almost immediate. So you can do your trading during the week and on Friday you can withdraw your money with your debit card and then enjoy weekend. It is a very convenient way for our customers.

Wow, that's sounds very amazing. Does it mean that the Interbank FX customers have all their trading accounts and can go shopping with the debit card? How many customers use the debit card?

Oh well, I cannot tell you an exact number. But there is a significant percentage. You know it depends on the country. In Central America and in China it is harder to wire money. There it became the preferred way for our customers to do business.

What about the banks you work together with; there are two banks Zions Bank and Payoneer. Does it mean that your customers have an account with one of these banks?

No. With the Zions Bank they have to have an account. But in order to get the new global debit card with Payoneer the customer just needs to have the trading account with INTERBANK FX. Once the customer has a Live Account with Interbank FX he is automatically qualified to get the debit card from Payoneer. The new global debit card is very easy for the customers to use.

This week I downloaded the demo account from Interbank FX. It is MetaTrader4 upgraded with many customer indicators. I took a look to the tools. You support the traders with quite a lot of trading tools like Pattern recognitions. Could you tell me more about your trading tools?

Sure, we spent a lot of time and effort on developing tools for our customers. We developed many different technical indicators and also pattern recognition systems to help our customers to learn more about the market and to give them the confidence when they make trades that the trades are going in the right direction.

(CPR - Candlestick Pattern Recognition)

And Interbank FX did a lot of effort in order to give trading education to the customers. I loved to see some of the videos from Raghee Horner on the Interbank FX Youtube Account. Can you also tell me more about this?

It is important to us to have successful customers who want to stay with us for many years. We have a lot of customers who have been with us since the very beginning. The more education we give to the customers the better they become in trading. Our goal is to build a customer base with education; we have the dome accounts. We have live webinars every day; the customers can ask questions. And this is very important to us. It goes hand in hand with our business model: to provide the best trading technology for customers. And so they make money and our goal is to have them as customer of Interbank FX for many years.

(Link to the education videos:

Do you have the education only in English or also in other languages?

Right now it is in English. Our office in Beijing will make it available soon also in Chinese.

What about Korean? You said that you have an office in Seoul. Do you have many Korean clients? And how do you handle the Korean regulations?

Yes, we have many Korean clients. Korea is a little bit different because of the regulatory environment. Let me explain to you. You know that Korean citizens are not allowed to open an account with foreign brokers. They cannot open an account directly with an overseas broker. They need to open the account with some Korean companies. Interbank FX has products with partners in Korea. We have the biggest broker in Korea; we have Hyundai Securities, Eugene Futures and many more. We provide actually 7 Korean brokers with our trading technology.

That is very interesting for us. IBTimesFX has a Korean edition. And we know that the Korean traders are not allowed to open an account with foreign brokers. What would you advise them?

Well that's the law. We have many competitors they allow Korean nationals to open an account with them. But Interbank FX beliefs in obeying the law. If you call Interbank FX from Korea and you want to open an account we just distribute you to one of our partners. Interbank FX will not open directly an account with Korean nationals.

Would you tell our readers more about the strategy of Interbank FX? Where do you want to grow in the next 3 years?

Well a big change we saw in 2008 was that the credit markets were in melt down. And that created wide volatility in the financial markets and of course in the currency market as well. So in the last 3 years we saw with this higher volatility that some people were more successful in trading than other people. I believe that the volatility we saw in the last years is a challenge for most traders. For example we saw that a couple of months ago when the risks for Greek bonds became higher; more and a more people come to the currency market and increase the volatility. You can see that the currency markets become more attractive versus the equities and the commodities markets.

In the next three years we believe that individual traders will continue to evaluate the currency markets and diversify their portfolios away from equities and bonds. In the next 3 years we will see more people begin to trade with currencies.

What do you think is the reason why people go away from equities?

Well, I think there are a couple of reasons. If you look at the trading with equities, you need to consider a lot of information like earnings growth. But there could be also some scandals like we saw in the last few years. Companies can go bankrupt. But these you don't have in the currency market. For example the Canadian Dollar can never go bankrupt. And the market is very liquid to open and to close your trades. With some of the equities you don't have much liquidity. The fact that the currency market is traded 24 hours a day and that there is a global community of trades make the FX market very popular.

What can you tell me about the customers from Interbank FX? Do you have smaller retail clients or more sophistic traders?

Mostly we have smaller retail traders. But we have also smaller hedge funds who are trading with us. But we are having more retail traders. It might not be their full time job. Many of them consider trading as a hobby.

How would you say that Interbank FX will change in the next two or three years?

Well for the last 7 years, we were more focused on the US market. Now we are in the final stage of our regulatory approval with the FSA in the UK. So, from July we will be able to offer for our clients outside the US products like CFD's, Spread Betting, Trading on Indices. We will probably do also Exchange Traded Funds (ETF's).

For costumers in Asia we are now working on registration with the Australia Securities which is the government regulatory body in Australia. So, we will be able to offer similar products to our Asian customers out of our Sydney office.
* This article is copyrighted by International Business Times.

Trading Signals From WSSFX

Posted by Nelayan Forex On 8/17/2010 09:45:00 PM 0 comments
Sila ambil maklum bahawa data yang memaparkan trading signals oleh pihak WSSFX kini boleh diperolehi secara in-situ di ruangan Makmal Kajian Sains Samudera bertempat di bahagian terakhir Traderlog ini.

Pair yang berkaitan adalah: GBP/USD, EUR/USD, USD/JPY dan GBP/JPY.

Nelayan Forex Traderlog merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada pihak WSSFX yang menyediakan perkhidmatan tersebut. Semoga segala usaha terbaik yang dilakukan untuk kemantapan ekonomi dan kemerdekaan ummah akan diberikan ganjaran yang seindah-indahnya oleh ALLAH swt. Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin.


Technical Analysis and Signal From WSSFX

Posted by Nelayan Forex On 8/15/2010 02:18:00 AM 0 comments
Alhamdulillah. Ringkas sahaja kali ini.

InsyaALLAH, mulai minggu hadapan, Nelayan Forex Traderlog akan memuatkan hasil-hasil kajian semasa dari pihak Ia melibatkan:

1. Technical Analysis: WSSFX 2.0 Advisor (Trend) dan WSSFX 9.4.3 (Daily 20 Pips)
2. Signal: WSSFX 9.6 (Reversal Strategy)

Data-data Technical Analysis boleh diperolehi di bahagian akhir Traderlog ini, iaitu di ruangan Makmal Kajian Sains Samudera. Data-data tersebut adalah berbentuk Realtime Chart (5-minute delayed). Sila ambil maklum bahawa data-data yang dipaparkan adalah bagi pair GBP/USD.

Signal pula akan dimaklumkan dari semasa ke semasa di ruangan posting utama Traderlog ini, dengan melibatkan semua jenis pair.


What is WSSFX Trend?
WSSFX Trend is a system based on pivot, trend, moving average, etc which can help you to determine market movement.

What is WSSFX 9.4.3?
WSSFX 9.4.3 is a system based on simple breakout pivot system buy at buy area and sell at sell area, take profit 20 pips and stop loss 30 pips. This strategy works good with major pair only.

What is WSSFX 9.6?
WSSFX 9.6 (Reversal Strategy) is a system based on reversal detection, overbought, oversold, candle. We use TP 15 - 45 pips, SL based on time limit.

Perspective: Drew Niv, CEO of FXCM

Posted by Nelayan Forex On 8/14/2010 03:50:00 AM 1 comments
IBTimesFX Interview with Drew Niv, CEO from FXCM
24 May, 2010 @ 11:34 am ET By Roger Baettig

IBTimesFX had the chance to hold an exclusive interview with Drew Niv, CEO of FXCM.

What is your professional background?

I started in Bond Trading in the early 1990s. Then I moved to one of the first currency trading companies in the US, a retail currency trading firm. And then I started FXCM in 1998. I founded FXCM with 5 others.

Who is your target audience?

90% of our customers are individual currency speculators. 10% of our revenues come from institutions like hedge funds and banks.

What makes you interested in UK?

FXCM is the dominant horse in online FX Trading in North America. We have approximately 30% market share. We also have business in Asia, this is even slightly bigger than our North America business. Europe is the place where we have traditionally not a big presence. The ODL acquisition gives us obviously a big footprint in Europe and the UK, one of the most important markets. We need to get into it.

FXCM is now in Europe present in London. But do you plan to go also to other European countries like for example to Germany?

Well, we already have an office in Paris; we have an office in Berlin; we have an office in Milan, Italy. We have also an office in Greece. With the ODL acquisition we got a lot of clients in continental Europe, in eastern Europe and also the Med countries. We have a big office for example in Turkey. The ODL Acquisition gives us obviously a huge presence in Europe.

Are you targeting commodities traders, Forex traders - CFD or Spread Betters?

Our specialty is the Forex Market. We also do the Index and Commodities CFD business as well. We are new in this but we have a pretty impressive offering that is integrated with our FX offering. But with the ODL Security we are expanding into the shares and Futures business in Europe as well. The ODL allows us to cross sell all these additional products worldwide in Asia, Europe and North America as well.

A lot of our clients come from Malaysia where they say Forex is very popular, and a good place to start, what do you think?

Well, traditionally FXCM has been very strong in Asian countries. Actually our Asian business is bigger than our North American business; over 45% of our clients come from Asia. We have a hugh presence in Asia; we have about 100 people in our office in Hong Kong, that is our original Asian Headquarter. All the services we have in English for example platforms and researches we offer also in Chinese. We have 24 hour client support in Chinese. And our research in Chinese is one of the biggest. The url is Even people who don't trade Forex use our research.

Tell me more about your no dealing desk model for forex trades and FXCM's philosophy on no re-quotes.
Let me explain to you. In 2006 or even earlier the only way to connect retail clients with the Banking Market was what was used to be called the Retail Dealers or the Retail Aggregators. So, Retail Dealers are market makers to their customers; and they traded on a home sale basis with their banks. Obviously this lead to a lot of problems. The Retail Dealer chooses not to hedge the client's positions but to take the other side of the trade 100% of the times or a significant percent of the times. So they have a conflict of interest with their clients.

In 2006 FXCM invested millions of Dollars and many years of technology to turn the business into an agency model called no dealing desk, where we have today 15 price providers, 12 banks and 3 hedge funds. They are market makers on the system. FXCM is not the market maker at the system. FXCM aggregates all these and takes the best offering for each currency pair from each market make. The market makers cannot see the client's positions. They can only see that they are trading with FXCM. FXCM has over 200,000 clients trading.

How is the forex market different from two or three years ago?
The Forex Market today is very different. It's started to mature. Customers are getting much more sophisticated. They want more automated trading solutions. They are having less of a gambling mentality. They are much more careful traders. They are getting smarter.

A lot of people are coming to FXCM because they are starting to make money and don't want to have a broker who is working against them. Because we are an agency broker we get paid by volume. So we want as many profitable customers as possible, because they do more trading.

What do you think the EU must do to come out of the debt crisis and to avoid crises like this in the future?
First of all I want to say that I am not the most qualified person to answer this question. But my personal opinion is that it is not just a European problem but just the spot light is on Europe right now. A lot of countries are running a lot of deficits and large debt loads. In the last 20 years many countries like US and Europe have not saved enough but have spent too much. The civilization has to stop spending too much and make less debt. And this is actually the only way. We have too much debt and the only way to avoid debts is to cut budgets. This is not a pretty answer that people want to hear.

FXCM has been very profitable for many years. But we always say that we have a big balance sheet; we put a lot of our profit onto the balance sheet to have big cash tuition for bad times. Luckily they have not come yet but they may. So, we have no debt in FXCM. I personally don't believe in debts. FXCM has no leverage but a lot of capital. So, it is able to absorb other companies who are in need for this.

Would you advise to UK residents trade CFD's or Spread Betting?

Essentially Spread Betting is very similar to normal trading except for UK residents there is a tax if you own it. So, obviously it would be better for people to trade Spread Betting. Unfortunately the majority of the Spread Betting firms see the client not as a trader but as a gambler. And if you see how casinos use a gambler with great customer services like free drinks. But the casino also needs you to lose. And they treat you very nice if you do. But they will not treat you very nice when you start making money. So FXCM encourage people to make money and not to lose. Because we make more money when our customers make money.

Tell me more about the new free education course you offer all live clients.
We've had since many years trading education courses. These courses we recently put into a video format. We have 60 videos about different topics from risk management to technical indicators and a lot more free resources for clients. We have those in English, Spanish and Chinese. So all our clients have the benefit to go and watch these videos and also to ask questions to live instructors who are very experienced traders. On this system the client can ask questions to the instructors. But the client can also see the questions that other clients asked. We have also programmers to help clients who have ideas about automated trading. This is a part of our educational effort to make clients not lose money. Our researches we have basically in English and in Chinese but also in some European languages.

What are your plans regarding your recent acquisition of ODL?

Well we are spending the next 6 weeks integrating the systems and pulling over the ODL clients into the FXCM Trading Platforms. Then we will be integrating the two companies together. And we will be adding many of the products from ODL to the global menu of the FXCM products. Clients worldwide will be seeing an increasing of offered products. ODL has many more products than FXCM and this is also a reason why we acquired ODL. This is definitely something where we are very excited about it. As well we are bringing better products to the European markets. So I think European clients will certainly have a huge benefit out if it.

*This article is copyrighted by International Business Times.

Marhaban Ya Ramadhan..

Posted by Nelayan Forex On 8/11/2010 12:37:00 AM 0 comments

Wishing u 1 month of Ramadhan
4 weeks of barkah
30 days of forgiveness
720 hours of guidance
43200 minutes of purification
2592000 secs of Nuur..!!
Selamat Ramadhan 1431H

A Glass of Care
A Plate of Luv
A Spoon of Peace
A Fork of Truth &
A Bowl of Duaas
Mix with spices of QURAAN
Enjoy This Meal.


Makmal Kajian Sains Samudera

Posted by Nelayan Forex On 8/10/2010 05:29:00 PM 0 comments

Kat mana?

Just browse Traderlog ini hingga tiba ke ruangan terakhir. Hopefully, analisis, input dan tools yang tersedia dapat sedikit-sebanyak membantu kita semua sewaktu membuat keputusan-keputusan penting BUY, SELL dan/ atau CLOSED! Wallahualam.

Terima kasih kepada "Penaja":


SubhanALLAH.. Alhamdulillah.

Correlation Table - 20100810 updated 1.30pm MYT

Posted by Nelayan Forex On 8/10/2010 02:07:00 PM 0 comments

The above tables represents the correlation between the various parities of the foreign exchange market.

The correlation coefficient highlights the similarity of the movements between two parities.

  • If the correlation is high (above 80) and positive then the currencies move in the same way.
  • If the correlation is high (above 80) and negative then the currencies move in the opposite way.
  • If the correlation is low (below 60) then the currencies don't move in the same way.

#: simulation are based on data as at 10 August, 2010; 1.30pm MYT.
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MetaTrader 5 - Official Release

Posted by Nelayan Forex On 8/10/2010 12:42:00 PM 0 comments

Analysis - GU - 20100809 updated 6.30pm MYT

Posted by Nelayan Forex On 8/09/2010 06:51:00 PM 0 comments

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Analysis - GU - 20100809 updated 9.30am MYT

Posted by Nelayan Forex On 8/09/2010 09:28:00 AM 0 comments
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Posted by Nelayan Forex On 8/08/2010 10:34:00 PM 0 comments
Tidak sampai tiga hari lagi, Ramadhan yang penuh barakah akan kembali. Sya'aban semakin menuju ke penghujungnya, membawa bersama-sama kisah azam dan tekad setiap dari kita untuk benar-benar menghayati dan mengungguli rukun Islam ke-3 yang bakal menjelang.

Sebulan yang bakal dilalui itu kelak, pastinya memerlukan kita semua benar-benar bersedia. Tuntutannya bukan sahaja di segi perjalanan rukun ibadahnya, tetapi juga berkait rapat dengan perubahan rutin kehidupan biasa yang memerlukan aturan pengurusan masa yang bijaksana.

Ke laut? InsyaALLAH. Cuma pemilihan masa dan keutamaan harus diatur secara berhikmah. Terus-terang, aku masih belum memikirkan secara spesifik tentangnya. Yang penting, jangan sampai keperluan dunia mengatasi kepentingan akhirat.

Semoga ALLAH memberikan hidayah dan maghfirahNya kepada kita semua, Amin.

Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan 1431H.

Marhaban Ya Ramadhan!
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Battle VS War

Posted by Nelayan Forex On 8/07/2010 11:50:00 PM 0 comments
Aku tersenyum hampa dalam diam. Kurang pasti mengapa aku masih mampu tersenyum. Apapun, aku tetap bersyukur ke hadratNya kerana terus sudi memberikan aku 'kekuatan' ini. Jika aku yang dahulu, sudah pasti aku tinggalkan terus kehidupan bernelayan ini. Tapi nampaknya, semakin aku cuba menjarakkan diri, semakin kuat suara hatiku berlagu agar aku kembali ke laut dengan lebih gigih & bersungguh.

Hampir keseluruhan pelayaranku minggu ini dipenuhi kisah sedih. Keuntungan yang diperolehi tidak setanding dengn kerugian yang dialami. Memang sedih dan kecewa. Aku bermuhasabah diri mencari punca kegagalan. Sehinggalah aku menyedari bahawa purata kegagalanku kali ini adalah bukan disebabkan teknik dan kaedah terbaru yang digunakan itu tidak baik, tetapi kerana ia masih belum 'siap' sepenuhnya. Malahan kegagalan-kegagalan tersebut juga bukan sia-sia kerana setiapnya 'membuka' kunci-kunci rahsia satu-persatu ke arah menyempurnakan ia ke tahap yang paling optimum. Terdetik juga, mengapa tidak aku menggunakan sahaja akaun Demo untuk tujuan itu. Sayang sekali, akaun Demo tidak berupaya memberikan 'realism' yang tepat & realistik berbanding Real. Mmmm.... Akhirnya jalan tengah ku ambil dengan cadangan tetap menggunakan akaun Real tetapi mengunapakai nilai 'umpan' yang relatif lebih kecil berbanding kebiasaan, pada ketika setiap kali aku menguji mekanisme baru yang diilhamkanNya. InsyaALLAH.

Sejujurnya, aku benar-benar berharap 'penemuan' terbaru ini akan mampu memberikan hasil tangkapan yang lebih lumayan, 'structured' & konsisten. Alhamdulillah, gerak hatiku kini begitu teruja untuk segera memulakan episod baru yang lebih menggembirakan, InsyaALLAH.

Dari sisi yang lain, aku juga percaya bahawa kegagalan-kegagalan kecil sewajarnya dimanipulasikan untuk kejayaan yang lebih besar. It doesn't matter if you lost the battles, what really matter most is you must win the war! Inspirasi dari Sun Tzu!

Seperkara lagi, kuperhatikan kita sering 'terserap' ke dalam kekecewaan melampau pada setiap kali gagal dalam satu-satu trade. Akibatnya, kita sering 'berdendam' dalam trade yang berikutnya. Hakikatnya, setiap trade adalah episod baru yang berbeza. Malah, ia langsung tidak terikat kepada keputusan rugi atau untung sebelumnya. Kelemahan memahaminya secara harfiah adalah 'pre-requisite' untuk kita mengulangi kegagalan yang sama dalam trade berikutnya.

Mmmm.... Mudah berkata-kata. Melakukannya tidaklah semudah itu. Namun, yang hak tetap hak. Yang benar tetap benar. Katakanlah kebenaran itu, meskipun ia pahit!

Keep it up.. 'growing bonzai'..
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Posted by Nelayan Forex On 8/03/2010 11:36:00 PM 0 comments
Jam di dinding sudah melewati 11.30 malam. Mataku semakin kuyu, tubuh bertambah layu. Sesekali, sambil aku menaip bait-bait aksara di dada Traderlog ini, mataku mengerling ke sisi jajaran pukat di tepian huluan kapal.

Malam ini, aku menggunakan kaedah baru. Kaedah baru lagi?? Soalan yang cukup klise! Ia sebetulnya telah lama ku kaji sejak tragedi 24 Mei yang meninggalkan seribu kenangan pahit, namun belum cukup mantap dan sempurna. Ada ke kaedah Forex yang sempurna? Sempurna dalam Forex bermakna tiada rugi, untung memanjang! Hmm.. confirm tak ada. Jika ada, pastinya setiap hamba ALLAH di muka bumi ini dah tak perlu buat kerja lain. Cukup dengan Forex je!

Secara peribadi, aku pun yakin tak mungkin akan bertemu kaedah yang sempurna. Justeru, memadai kalau mampu bertemu kaedah yang mantap, serasi dan selamat! Mantap di segi prestasi keuntungan. Serasi dengan tingkah perangaiku dan selamat daripada risiko "drawdowns". Profitable and practical methods. Maximum profits, minimal risk.

Realitinya, ilham sering datang dariNya. Alhamdulillah. Cuma seringkali, yang menjadi cabarannya adalah bagaimana akalku yang tidak seberapa ini berupaya untuk menyusun dan mengatur gerak-langkah minda bagi menyambut ilham-ilham yang mencurah tiba itu. Makanya, hanya doa yang mampu dipanjatkan agar sentiasa dibekalkan paras Asetilkolin yang mencukupi supaya saraf otak mampu memproses "kepingan-kepingan" ilham menjadi batas ilmu yang credible. Mohon diterangkan hati, ditajamkan minda, dikuatkan iman, ditingkatkan syukur!

Jam di dinding menunjukkan tepat jam 12 tengahmalam.

Tinggalkan sahaja! Lihat esok hasilnya. Samada untung 'berlipat' atau rugi 'terikat'! Bisik hati kecilku kepada diri. Redha, InsyaALLAH.

Growing Bonzai?

Aku bertawakal ke atasmu, Ya ALLAH.

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Labu Si Luncai..

Posted by Nelayan Forex On 8/02/2010 06:12:00 PM 0 comments
Labu Si Luncai melakar ceriteranya

Lenakan saja isi dari hati
Sirna dalam amarah yang diam
Tak kan termampu bahu menggalas
Tiada upaya fikir terjangkau
Tidak tercapai tenang ditakung


Lelah hari-hari semalam
Jangan kelak diulit esok yang tidak pasti
Hari ini masih lagi berlagu


Hatta andai gunung disandar asa
Tunduk berisi padi kuning hanyalah impi
Tak mungkin terlukis kisah hikayat
Yang ada cuma bening-bening iri
Dirawat bunga lalang dihujung padang


Paginya memang rasa diperlu
Namun tersanggah petang yang singgah
Rupa kisahnya
Sekadar onak melepas pucuk
Junjung pula bermain kadok
Rupa kisahnya
Belukar tetap belukar
Rimba tetap rimba

Labu Si Luncai melakar ceriteranya

New Hope Ultimate X5
London Open - 2hb Ogos, 2010
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